Holland Computing Center Updates

HCC Open Offices Hours and Office Drop Ins

by Adam Caprez, Applications Lead
By now everyone is most likely aware of current recommendations to reduce face-to-face interactions. Out of concern for the health of our users and staff, we are moving our Open Office Hours to remote administration until further notice...

New ticketing system live

by Adam Caprez, Applications Lead
Dear HCC User Community, HCC has made the switch to the new ticketing system and it is live. Emails to hcc-support@unl.edu will automatically go into the new system. If you have a currently open ticket with the old system, you may...

Ticketing system switch

by Adam Caprez, Applications Lead
Dear HCC User Community, HCC will soon switch to a new ticketing system to track support requests. We are planning to make this change at the beginning of next week, coinciding with the start of the new semester. The hcc-support@unl...

HCC Holiday Schedule

by Holland Computing Center
In accordance with the NU holiday schedule, HCC staff will be on break from Monday, December 23, 2019, through Wednesday, January 1, 2020. All HCC resources will continue to be operational during this break. HCC staff will be monitoring...

Crane: GPU expansion available for use

by Adam Caprez, Applications Lead
HCC is pleased to announce a major addition of GPU resources to the Crane cluster, funded by a recent Nebraska EPSCoR award. This expansion consists of 21 GPU-enabled nodes, each with 2 x Nvidia Tesla V100 cards with 32GB RAM. This...

Rhino: JupyterHub available for use

by Holland Computing Center
JupyterHub is now available for use on Rhino. To access it, go to https://rhino.unl.edu in your browser and sign in with your HCC credentials. A basic set of kernels has been provided, including Python, R, SAS, and MATLAB. If you...

Rhino available for use!

by Holland Computing Center
Dear HCC User Community, The Rhino Cluster is now available via HCC. The majority of the components of this cluster were previously parts of the Tusker and Sandhills clusters. Rhino is composed of AMD-based servers with at least 192...

June Workshop Series 2019

by Adam Caprez, Applications Lead
Throughout the month of June, HCC will be offering a series weekly hands-on workshops which will cover topics ideal for individuals new to Holland resources. When: Tuesday afternoon 1 pm to 5 pm CST Where Brace Laboratory Room 105...