We are excited to announce our new storage system at HCC, the Nebraska Research Data Storage system or NRDStor. This new system is designed to offer fast and more accessible storage to help meet the diverse needs of researchers using HCC.

Like most of HCC's file systems, NRDStor is available for use on Swan and can be used within computational jobs. What sets NRDStor apart from other HCC filesystems is that you are able to access it directly from your computer connected on campus or through the University of Nebraska VPN as a network drive. No additional software or command line tools are needed. For more information about NRDStor, please visit the NRDStor documentation.

As we continue to refine and enhance NRDstor we invite you to explore its features and provide your valuable feedback. Your feedback will play a crucial role in shaping the future of this new storage platform.

To request access to NRDStor , please visit this link. Before access to NRDStor can be granted, you will need to pass a short Bridge course.